
This isn't paradise, this is home.

Mommy Dearest,

It's been a long flight to England, I miss you so. I swear I hate having jet leg but it was worth the several hours. This town makes me feel at ease, sorta like how an alley cat would feel when given a buffet of food late at night after all the shops have closed up and thrown out the trash. I feel awkward walking around town at night, as if someone's constantly watching me. Oh no Jack the ripper! Ha ha just kidding I feel very safe and I'm not walking around all alone at any dangerous hours of the night. I hate that I couldn't bring you. This would be an amazing trip to take you on. I can't help but look at Big Ben and think of 101 dalmatians when Cruella DeVil turned back into an evil chick! I hope that dad is doing well and that Jade is okay even though she hates me at times. I trust that your work is just as exciting as ever, lord knows I'm happy to be away from that for awhile. God I needed this break. People here are very kind to me, no stress, unless of course you're trying to drive somewhere. The traffic here gets rediculous! Well I love you, whatever it is that brought me here I hope I find soon besides the city lights and the lonely nights.

Take care!
Tiffany xo

Imagine if we ate like this at home!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I know cooks amazing food but if only you could taste the wondrous things I've tasted in Italy you'd crap yourself! Eww not to throw that out there but the food on this trip will probably be the only thing to bring me back here, well that and the sites. The ancient city reminds me everyday that no matter what the past was, you can always rebuild your life and make the best of it. Sure the memories of the past will always haunt our lives, but they don't always have to be a bad thing. I hope all is well at home and has dad slowed down smoking yet? He needs to stay alive for another 5 years or at least until I get married. Ha! Well I love you both dearly and take care. I'll see you in several weeks!


Enlighten me...

Dear Steph,

I miss you and Becka. If only we could go on a trip sometime and see what all I've seen, these past few weeks have changed me. Like its starting to scare me of how much I've taken for granted over the years in America. Bali is absolutely gorgeous with color and inner peace. I just wanted to write you and let you know that you and Becka are the best friends I could have ever asked for and if only I could share more of this adventure with you then maybe you'd feel this sense of enlightenment that I feel. This place just makes everything bad in my life disappear and only sunshine and color flow through me. I just want you to know that happiness can be found anywhere in the world, yeah it sucks having to try and drown out the chaos of the world, but once you find somewhere that makes you feel safe, like a sanctuary, you can reach that inner happiness.

See you soon,