
London, England

Dear Diary,
I have this fascination with Big Ben. London, England's beautiful clock tower. Every time I heard the chimes sound, my heart just drops. This city has many stories to tell. Of course I'm hoping to make many memories as well. So many places to shop of high fashion and although the prices are a bit higher, there's better quality here. Not as many fat people either. Not so shocking though considering that America is fast food hell and our portions of food that we Americans eat is rediculous! 
I gaze into the night sky that floats above this town, despite what anyone thinks, I recall the tale of Peter Pan. Oh how I wish to fly right up to the clock tower and sit on the ledge and stare down at the sleeping people below. The cafe's here are so adorable. That's my thing though, outdoor cafes and cigarettes. Kinda goes hand in hand. My goal for this trip is to find the statue of Peter Pan and marvel at it. This is a place where dreams are made of, and if I could only touch that part of my childhood again, that would fill up this whole inside my soul, whatever that means. Dude, the double decker buses are awesome by the way and I can't help but think of the movie The Mummy Returns, but don't sit near a hobo on the bus, they smell absolutely dreadful. Well until next time, I walk the streets of London, trying to mess around with the English guards by the Palace and sip on some coffee. Pip pip, cherio!