
Charles Darwin & the Theory Of Evolution

My favorite example of evolution:
Tiffany Roush
DE Brit Lit 24-2-11

Since the dawn of mankind many questions have been asked of how we humans and other living organisms have come to be. Is it evolution or a higher power that has made all living things what they are to their present existence? I believe in Charles Darwin's theory of evolution because he gives valid information within his written observations of how all animals are related to one another in numerous physical ways and how certain similar species of animals have adapted over time. I rather relish the idea that Charles Darwin had the patience to observe and record the information he did, because if he didn't, imagine how far behind we would be as far as scientific theories, new medications, and such things in the scientific world. Moving on, he talks about the way all living things are constantly competing against one another for survival let alone reproducing and how there is a balance we must keep. When I consider the theory of evolution and the fact that all things evolve to adapt to their environments for mere survival, I do not bring in the conflict of a higher power. I do believe in what I believe as far as a higher power but I still believe that all living things change to fit their domain and its a possibility that the higher power created them to adapt, but that's another theory. An animal that comes to mind in Darwin's studies is the mysterious snake. In some pictures of the evolution of the snake, on the outside of its body we see no legs but, when its skeleton is revealed, some snakes appear to have tiny sets of legs along the sides of them. I consider the following idea that snakes once had to survive in a different environment that required them to have legs to travel around, now that the world has changed and their bodies have adapted to their surroundings, some no longer need legs. 

In chapter 3 of Charles Darwin'sResearch The Origin Of Species, he asserts that all organic creations of nature are competing against one another for survival and that with natural selection the next generation following these organic creations will always be better than the previous generation because of new adaptations to the species. He also emphasizes on the fact that with everything beautiful and organic that surrounds us, there is also danger. Such an example would be that if too many birds were in one particular area in the world, it would create an unbalanced environment. Say the birds were to eat all of a certain insect or certain shrubbery, then the food chain for other animals would be disrupted and other organisms could die off hence the struggle for survival.If too many living things are in the same environment than it can withstand and support, only the strongest of organisms will survive. Darwin greatly expresses the fact that this balance determines life or death in our world. If there are too many or too less of the organic spectrum, natural or unnatural, it could be our downfall of life. Darwin supports this theory by giving examples of how certain animals and plant reproduce. Such an example would be that although some plants from season to season may only have two seeds that go on to create more plants, within twenty years there will be over five million of these plants. We may not notice that some plants reproduce so rapidly, some natural and some unnatural because of the constant change of the earths environments. The other theory that he expresses is that every living thing is constantly battling to increase its number, its only in our nature to constantly compete with one another humans, animals, and plants alike. This is what causes most of our environments downfalls with certain organisms. Charles Darwin's purpose for writing this selection is to express to our world that if there is too little or too much of a certain organism, the unbalance this situation creates could be catastrophic and become a bigger hazard then we could of imagined, thus our world and everything living on our planet will die and only a few living organisms will possiby survive. His purpose is directed to researchers and environmentalists; people that are here to preserve and protect our world and all of its dwellers. When I read this selection I felt the fearful emotion that if our world continues with its unnatural construction and destruction of the natural world, then this unbalance will increase, and the world will react to the change drastically. The tone of Darwin is serious and informative. He demonstrates his opinion with facts to express the significant dangers and possibilities of our future if these patterns continue.