
Loves Secret Garden

Tiffany Renee Roush 
March 20, 2011Canton South High School
Dual Enrollment English: British Literature 2

Love Letter Analysis
When comparing love and love alike we must first realize that there are numerous categories of love. Obsessive, fearful, lustful, glamorous, romantic, passionate and so on. Only pure love lasts forever, but it seems as though poets and writers alike in the british romanticism era fear the power of love as they fall into its grasps. I say this because from what I've read and what I've experienced, once a person is to fall in love and feel such an emotion and that sense of being complete, they never want to loose the person or thing that has made them feel whole. Some love is only a physical attraction in which we as readers sometimes pursue as what real love can be. By physical attraction I think of the saying, "love at first sight." Someone could know nothing of the other person yet fall in love with their appearance, their beauty, their sense of style, or the aura that they radiate. Another form of love that seems to flow beautifully in with many poems and letters that I have read, is the purest kind of love, a love that never dies. The love that leads one into a magical place of beauty and passion, romance, the kind of love that sweeps us off of our feet and makes us feel like we are on cloud nine. It is the hardest love to find and keep contained. This is the love I consider to be a secret love, the fantasy world that love puts us humans in, a secret garden or sanctuary of some kind, either in our imaginations or somewhere here on earth. What I find to be rather irritating yet inspiring in various amounts of the love letters is that they seem scattered, a bit desperate, yet they stick to the point of being romantic. Of course when I read these letters I have to think of the old english language, terms, and slang. Most writers have a polite way of being conservative and passionate without sounding extremely lustful and perverted. I rather enjoy that most writers add some poetry into their letters to the ones that they love. It expresses to me that they truly care and it took a decent amount of time and effort or at least a bit of emotion to put their thoughts on to paper to share with the one they love. It breaks my heart to read some letters of what I find to be of the forbidden love genre. What I mean by that is that I know of some arranged marriages in history have left many people in heartache from who they truly loved either before or during their marriages. Another example is if someone was to express their emotions for another human of the same sex. That would most absolutely have to be kept hidden for the sake of those taboo issues being immoral and nearly forbidden back then. That person could never be with the one they truly loved and having to hide such a beautiful thing a secret is absolute torture from what I can imagine. Never being to express ones true emotions physically but only through the written word and the creativeness of our imaginations, that my dear reader is what puts us in the mental state of what I would like to call, loves secret garden. 


Online Degree. 10 Most Famous Love Letters in History. 2009. Letters To Susan Huntington Dickenson. 1997-2011.


Selections From King Henry VIII's Love Letters to Anne Boleyn. Famous Love Letters. 2010.

Love Letter #1

June 14, 1891

My Dearly Beloved, 

Tis but a tragic time here without you and the coziness of your vibrant grace. I loathe the time I share here alone with my imagination slowly slipping away into what seems to be jealousy and fear. I wish to never loose you to another lover or to life痴 short tick of time. I do however have our fond memories that we shared together locked into my heart forever. If I may recall, I remember frolicking though the garden and watching the sun shine through your golden hair. The way your body felt to the touch of my hand in the warmth of the sun and the way the tall grass caressed us as if the world was our bed to lay. In that garden I shall never forget the moment we became one. The beauty of what we once shared brings me to tears to know that it may soon be over for I am getting married. She is not someone I love as near and as dear as my love for you, but I must uphold to my royal family's wishes and remain true to my country, unfortunately. I may however find you in another life or so I pray. If there was one way or another to see you and escape this dreaded place then let it be so, for I'd rather live the rest of my life wrapped in your arms, then lead a country with a broken heart. 

-King Henry VIII

Love Letter #2

August 26, 1891
My Dearest, 

Maybe tis destiny that tears us apart. Shall we possibly part our ways before something dreadful happens? I fear so. Our time together was our time together, but I distress that maybe tis the end and shall forever be. You have your place in the world, now I must carry on and create mine. I recall our intrigues together, Oh how I dream about our passionate past everyday. Your every kiss and every touch. The way we would secretly await for one another in the garden at twilight and awaken to the break of dawn. Oh but risking your future for a life with someone as inferior as I is far too ridiculous to fathom. Unless of course we can elope? There's this dismay in my heart that prays tis not too late if you truly decide to continue on with our love, but I still find this all too demented. I have a confession to make and tis that I am pregnant with your child. Never shall I hold you back from what you must do with your life. I am able to raise a child on my own. If you are to choose me over your duty, please come find me in our secret garden before Autumn breaks.
