
Jane Austin Quotations

Tiffany Roush
March 24, 2011
DE Brit Lit 2
Response To Quotations

My favorite quote by Jane Austen would have to be, “The more I know of the world, the more I am convinced that I shall never see a man whom I can really love.” I can sympathize with this quote because I myself believe in it and can most certainly relate to it. The message this quote expresses to me personally is that, the more we see of the world and the evils of man, we tend to only view the sadness, faults, the hurt, the depressing things that man has brought upon this world. In my opinion though, men have brought things such as war and devastation to this world out of jealousy, the lust for power, and hatred. Men break hearts and do other stupid things because of their lust for such power and bragging rights. I see half of the world and the dumb choices that certain people make and it terrifies me. I'm not afraid to put myself out there but I find most men I see to be rather moronic and arrogant anymore and I just see myself being single for a very long time and possibly never finding that special person I could fall in love with anytime soon. To see all of the horrors in the world and to know of them extremely well, that just makes me feel insecure with ever even trying to find love. Not that men are heartless and emotionless, the immaturity is there and their lust for power is overwhelming. Their choices in life show their true colors and to me some of them reflect this world which is not always a beautiful thing. I have never settled with the first person that I have fallen in love with as well. I feel that to find a true, honest, and pure love, you have to search and wait. When I think of this quote relating to the world today I think of the word “innocence.” When we are children, the less we knew, the less we were afraid of and we were more accepting of things and other people. This was because we had yet to develop a permanent opinion and knowledge of whatever it was out there in the world. We were innocent. As we grow, we learn more, we develop opinions, we become afraid, in fact I think most people are more immature as adults then when they were children if that makes sense. Innocence is lost and the world fades to darkness for some people as they get older. Nothing is new and exciting let alone trusting and it scares most into isolation and fear of ever loving.