
My Biography

 A Bit About My Education and Dreams:
Howdy, my name is Tiffany Renee Roush. I currently go to Canton South high school and I am a senior. I'm in my 2nd year of college english and graphic design. I was marching band for 3 awesome years and honestly I miss it. I am an official student of Kent Stark State and I cannot wait! Eventually I want to move to Florida or California and work for Disney. My goal in life is to live it up as much as I can, travel, have no regrets, find inner peace, and mark things off of my bucket list. 
Some Inspiration:
Let it be known that our lives mean something to the world! We all have a purpose in life. To make mistakes, to grow, to change, not only ourselves, but sometimes those around us as well. I have lived my life with no regrets, plenty of mistakes, but as long as I've  learned from them then who gives a crap? I am more than happy with the person I've become over the last few years, I do have some shame and dignity in mind so I don't get too crazy but I want to live my life to its fullest and continue to stay open minded. I am currently finding myself again and living my life with a new perspective in mind. Its difficult to stay optimistic in times such as these but what else do we to loose? This spiritual journey I've been taking over the past few years has given me an idea of where I belong, but my life is nowhere near over yet...its just beginning.

More Personal:
I grew up in Canton, Ohio my whole life. Lived in the same house, same neighborhood. In the end I'm glad that I never moved. I was the kid that everyone used to pick on and tease, but out of all that I've turned out to be a bit of a hyper class clown. I literally enjoy laughing at myself and making others laugh with me. I enjoy being versatile because I believe its my way of living many different lives, but as one being. I love experimenting with different cultures and religions, it fascinates me. You might say that I'm rather odd, flamboyant, and outspoken but, I'm not rude about it, at least I don't try to be. I think I'm fairly well rounded, humorous, and intelligent. I except everyone nor do I judge. I know what it feels like to stick out like a sore thumb and be made fun of, so who am I to do it to someone else? I'm into the fine arts such as music, literature, art, and photography. My favorite colors are turquoise and purple. Sushi is my favorite food ever! I plan on traveling to a vast variety of places once I am older and save up enough cash. I just want to make enough money to be able to accomplish my goals and dreams, materialistic or not. I want to leave a legacy behind, not sure how, but I will. In my mind there are two kinds of people in the world; people that look up while they walk or people that look down. I am one of those people that's constantly looking down, not because I'm afraid of the future, but you never know if you're gonna find some cash. :)

Nerdy, Artsy, Mysterious, Humorous....
That's how I roll!